Resource Center — Exfoliating

The Secret of… Seaweed Soap

For the Garden Gal, seaweed conjurs up images of swimming in the ocean, snacking on sushi, and The Little Mermaid. Working at the Garden of Eden has opened up a whole new world (sorry, couldn’t resist!) to the benefits of seaweed in skin care. Beauty products containing seaweed have been found in China, Japan, and coastal Asian… Read more >

The Secret of… Sugar Scrubs

The Deep Steep Sugar Scrubs have been on this Garden Gal’s must-try list for a long time. Working at the Garden of Eden, it can be challenging to keep up with all of the fabulous products that we carry and it’s easy to stick with those that are tried-and-true. However, when a customer recently came… Read more >

The Secret of… the VIC Face and Body Cloth

PLEASE NOTE: THIS ITEM IS UNAVAILABLE – OUT OF PRODUCTION.  WE HAVE NO STOCK OF THIS ITEM AND NO OF NO OTHER VENDOR WHO HAS ANY IN STOCK. A blog post devoted entirely to a washcloth? Hmm… has the Garden Gal lost it? Not at all! This is one of the most amazing products that… Read more >

Garden of Eden offers a variety of different body scrubs designed to polish and soften skin.
Garden of Eden offers a variety of different body scrubs designed to polish and soften skin.

Dry Skin Remedies

Without looking outside, you can probably tell winter is here just by the way your skin looks and feels. If you suffer from dry, cracking, sandpaper-like skin during the winter (or any time for that matter), you know what I am talking about. It’s time to fix it since winter isn’t going away any time… Read more >