Resource Center — Essential Oil

The Secret of… Peppermint Essential Oil for Headache Relief

  “Urrghh…” by Sarah G. is licensed under C.C. BY 2.0 ‘Tis the season… for headaches. Change in weather, busy schedules, traffic… all of the pressures of daily life can add up to one thing: pain. When looking for alternatives to over-the-counter pain relief, essential oils are becoming increasingly popular. One of the most commonly… Read more >

The Secret of…. Citrus Essential Oils

  Has the change in season left you low on energy? As the days get shorter and the nights get longer, even the best of us can get a little down. The good news is that there are many natural ways to boost your mood and energy.  At Garden of Eden, many of our favorites… Read more >

The Secret of… Massage

Ahhh… massage. We all know how good it feels, but what are the health benefits? How can you be sure that you are getting the most out of the experience, both emotionally and physically? The Garden Gal did her research and is here to share the secret of massage with you… C’mon Get Happy! Anyone… Read more >

The Secret of… Natural Insect Repellant

Camping season is here! There is nothing better than getting away from it all: just you, a tent, a campfire, fresh air…. and BUGS! We are all familiar with the numerous commercial brands of insect repellants chock full of chemicals that are hazardous to humans as well as the environment. So, how can you keep… Read more >

The Secret of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy

Did you know that the sense of smell is the one sense most closely associated with mood and memory? Imagine your favorite memory- is there a scent associated with it? Scents can be comforting, invigorating, and grounding. Through the use of essential oils in aromatherapy, you can trigger the mood you desire quickly and efficiently…… Read more >